1. Bikovskaya cucurbits breeding experimental station – branch of the Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Federal scientific vegetable center" (BCBES – branch of the FSBSI FSVC)
2. Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Center (FSBSI FSVC)
Relevance. The priority direction in vegetable growing is the scientifically justified use of types and doses of micronutrients that can increase the yield of watermelon fruits and improve their quality. Due to the large number of different types of fertilizers currently appearing on the market, it is necessary to choose the right ones and study them in optimal doses for growing high-quality melon products.Material and methodology. Objects of research: watermelon varieties Meteor, Zemlyanin, Kholodok and preparations: iron chelate, zinc chelate, vegetable Aquarin. Options using these fertilizers for double foliar treatment of plants during the growing season have been studied. The research was carried out during 2019-2021 at the Bykovskaya melon breeding experimental station.Results. During the study, a positive effect of the tested drugs on the quantitative and qualitative indicators of products was established. As a result of foliar treatments of plants in all variants, the yield exceeded the control variant (without treatments). A comparative analysis of biochemical data showed that the dry matter content was at a fairly high level. As a result of the use of zinc chelate in the Meteor and Kholodok cv., the dry matter content increased by 0.4%. A similar increase in the indicator was obtained when using the drug Aquarin vegetable on the Zemlyanin and Kholodok cv. The content of total sugar in the Meteor and Kholodok cv. was higher than the control (without treatments), and in the Zemlyanin cv. it was at the control level. The fructose content in the tested variants of all varieties exceeded the control. As a result of the use of water-soluble fertilizers for plant treatment, the content of ascorbic acid increased in the variants with treatment in the Meteor cv. – by 1-1.5 mg%, in the Zemlyanin cv. – by 0.8-1.1 mg%, in the Kholodok cv. – by 0 .1-0.7 mg% compared to control (without treatments). Nitrate levels in watermelon fruits of different ripening periods did not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (60 mg/kg).
FSBSI All-Russian Scientfic Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding and Seed Production
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