Influence of plant protectives based on Bacillus atrophaeus B‐11474 on agronomic characteristics of melons in Astrakhan region


Baubekova Dinara Gaidarovna1,Soprunova Olga Borisovna2,Bairambekov Shamil Bairambekovich3,Polyakova Ekaterina Viktorovna3


1. Volga-Caspian branch of All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography

2. Astrakhan State Technical University

3. Russian Scientific Research Institute of Irrigated Vegetable and Melon Growing of Russian Academy of Agricultural Science


The Astrakhan region is the main vegetable-growing and melon-growing center of Russia, characterized by favorable agro–climatic conditions for growing vegetable and gourd crops. The agro-climatic conditions of the region make it possible to obtain the earliest, highest and most stable yields. Currently, in the southern regions, the problem of reducing the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture with their replacement by biological methods of plant protection is quite acute. Biological methods, in comparison with chemical means of protection, are distinguished by the selectivity of impact and by the environmental safety. Preliminary studies have shown that the studied laboratory sample of the agent based on Bacillus atrophaeus B‐11474 has pronounced fungistatic and growth-stimulating activities, which were confirmed by the field research results. The studied laboratory sample of the agent had a positive effect on the germination, development and biometric parameters of watermelon. The sample helped to increase productivity, reduce anthracnose, improve the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the cultivated crop. The prospects for using the triple treatment (spraying the bottom of the furrow and double spillage under the root of the plant with a laboratory sample of the agent have been established. In general, the use of a biological agent in the cultivation of watermelon in the fields of the Astrakhan region will make it possible to obtain environmentally friendly and safe products.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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