Physicochemical properties and indices of shelf life stability of dry aged beef with acid whey




The aim of the study was to compare the physicochemical properties and indices of shelf life stability of dry aged beef with wet aged beef under vacuum. The research material included two skeletal muscles (LL, m. longissimus lumborum, and ST, m. semitendinosus) taken from half carcasses of 8 head (3 bulls and 5 steers) of Whiteback cattle. The following parameters were measured: pH and oxidation-reduction potential (pH-metr Elmetron CP-401, ERH-12-6 i ERPt-13), water activity (HygroLab C1, Rotronic), and colour (according to CIE L*a*b* by Konica-Minolta 600d spectrophotometer). Reference methods were used to determine the content of moisture (PN-ISO 1442:2000), total protein (PN-A-04018:1975/Az3:2002, N × 6.25), and ash (PN-ISO 936:2000). The concentration of K, Na, Mg, Zn and Fe was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry using a Varian AA240FS spectrometer. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using STATISTICA 13 (Dell Inc.). The influence of the ageing type on the physicochemical properties and shelf life indices within muscles was verified by one-way ANOVA. A higher content of total protein and minerals, as well as lower hydration of muscle proteins were stated in dry aged beef. In turn, vacuum packaging had a stabilising effect for the colour of fresh meat (a lower value of ΔE), maintained the initial lightness (L*) and significantly increased chromatic saturation (a higher value of a* and b* coordinates). Application of acid whey (together with sea salt) positively influenced shelf life stability of dry aged beef, due to acidity increasing and lowering of moisture content and water activity. The obtained results indicate that beef from Whiteback cattle can be successfully used both for the production of wet aged beef under vacuum and for manufacturing dry aged raw beef. Each direction of use will be decided by the current market demand and consumer preferences. The present results support the need to continue research in this topic taking into account both other native cattle breeds and alternative methods of packaging.


Medycyna Weterynaryjna - Redakcja


General Veterinary

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