1. FAA, FAR§25.571 Damage-Tolerance and Fatigue Evaluation of Structure, 2011.
2. FAA, Part 26—Continued Airworthiness and Safety Improvements For Transport Category Airplanes, Subpart C—Aging Airplane Safety—Widespread Fatigue Damage.
3. FAA, Advisory Circular AC NO: 120-104 Establishing and Implementing Limit of Validity to Prevent Widespread Fatigue Damage, 01/10/2011.
4. H.J. Schmidt, S.B. Bianka. Fatigue and Damage Tolerance and Composite Training to SAACC, May 2010.
5. Federal Aviation Administration, Advisory circular 25.571-1D: damage tolerance and fatigue evaluation of structure[EB/OL]. Federal Aviation Administration, 2011.