1. C. Alejaldre, J. Elbez-Uzan, P. Reynard, L. Rodriguez-Rodrigo, N. Taylor, ITER, a Fusion Nuclear Installation, presented at 9th IAEA Technical Meeting on Fusion Power Plant Safety, 15–17 July, Vienna, 2009.
2. Order dated 12th December 2005 concerning nuclear pressure equipment (ESPN).
3. French Decree No. 99-1046 dated 13th December 1999 concerning pressure equipment (amended by further Decrees in 2003 and 2007) and Order dated 21st December 1999 concerning classification and conformity assessment of pressure equipment.
4. Order dated 10th August 1984 Concerning Quality of Design, Construction and Operation of Basic Nuclear Installation.
5. Order dated 15th March 2000 relative to the operation of pressure equipment.