1. Fail-safe design of integral metallic aircraft structures reinforced by bonded crack retarders
2. P. E. Irving, D. Figueroa-Gordon, Routes to improved damage tolerance; prediction of damage tolerant performance of high strength and hybrid structures, in First International Conference on Damage Tolerance of Aircraft Structures R. Benedictus, J. Schijve, R.C. Alderliesten, J.J. Homan (eds.), Delft, Holland, 2007, http://dtas2007.fyper.com/userfiles/file/Paper%2054_Irving.pdf, Accessed April 2009.
3. Residual stresses in structures reinforced with adhesively bonded straps designed to retard fatigue crack growth
4. Distortion and residual stresses in structures reinforced with titanium straps for improved damage tolerance
5. FM(r) 94 Modified Epoxy Film Datasheet. http://www.cytec.com/engineered-materials/products/Datasheets/FM 94.pdf. Accessed July 7th 2009.