1. Study casts doubt on key rate: WSJ analysis suggests banks may have reported flawed interest data for libor;Mollenkamp;Wall Street J,2008
2. New york federal reserve knew about Libor rate-fixing issues as far back as 2007 and proposed changes but were ignored;Reuters;Daily Mail,2012
3. Saigol L. Libor: The email trail, The Financial Times, 2013. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/cefd67a0-25df-11e3-aee8-00144feab7de.html#axzz3FNK2XAFe (accessed 10.11.15).
4. Libor: Origins, economics, crisis, scandal, and reform;Hou,2014
5. A black swan in the money market;Taylor;Am Econ J Macroecon,2009