1. Donley, A., 2013. Sorghum milling study http://www.world-grain.com/News/News%20Home/Features/2013/7/Sorghum%20milling%20study.aspx?cck=1.
2. Operational Research on Development of Sorghum Food Enterprises for Alternative Uses and Supplementary Feeding;Geervani,1993
3. Kebakile, M.M, Taylor, J.R.N., Rooney, L.W., 2008. Roller milling – an alternative dry milling process for sorghum. In: Alternative Cereal Processing Technologies, Lobatse, Botswana, November 4–6, 2008. http://projekt.sik.se/traditionalgrains/participants/Abstract_CV_Sweden/Martin_Kebakile.htm.
4. Commercialization of Sorghum Milling in Botswana: Trends and Prospects. Working Paper Series No. 6;Rohrbach,2000
5. Rooney, L.W., Waniska, R.D., 2000. Sorghum food and industrial utilization. In: Smith, C.W., Frederiksen, R.A. (Eds.), Sorghum, Origin, History, Technology and Production, pp. 689–729. Common dry milling procedures like hand pounding abrasive dehulling, hammer mill use and roller milling and grain conditioned roller milling.