1. The T.R.W. Canoga Park System Culler, G. J., and Fried, B. D., An On-Line Computing Center for Scientific Problems, Proc. IEEE Pacific Comput. Conf. 1963 p. 221, March 1963.
2. The T.R.W. Two station On-Line Scientific Computer: General Description;Culler,1965
3. The Columbia University System Klerer, M., and May, J., Two-Dimensional Programming, Proc. Fall Joint Comput. Conf., 27, 63–73(1965). Spartan Books, Washington, D.C., 1965.
4. The Amtran System Albert, M. R., Clem, P. C, Flenker, L. A., Reinfelds, J., Seitz, R. N., and Wood, L. H., The Amtran Sampler System Instruction Manual, NASA Techn. Mem., NASA TM X-53342, July 1966.
5. The User's Manual for an On-Line System;Culler,1967