1. M. B. Wells, MADCAP: A Scientific Compiler for a Displayed Formula Textbook Language, CommACM Vol.4, No.1, pp. 31–36 (1961).
2. B.D. Fried, On the User’s Point of View, pp. 11–21, Interactive Systems for Experimental Applied Mathematics, Eds. M. Klerer and J. Reinfelds, Academic Press, NY (1968).
3. G.J. Culler, Mathematical Laboratories: A new Power for the Physical Sciences, pp. 355–384, Interactive Systems for Experimental Applied Mathematics, Eds. M. Klerer and J. Reinfelds, Academic Press, NY (1968).
4. L.H. Woods, J. Reinfelds, R.N. Seitz, P.L. Clem, The AMTRAN System, Datamation Vol.12, No.10, pp.22 (1966).
5. J. Reinfelds, AMTRAN 70, pp.370-375, Proceedings IFIP’71, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, North Holland, Amsterdam (1972).