Chronic low back pain and the transdiagnostic process: How do cognitive and emotional dysregulations contribute to the intensity of risk factors and pain?


Borgne Margaux Le1,Boudoukha Abdel Halim1,Petit Audrey2,Roquelaure Yves2


1. Laboratoire de Psychologie des Pays de la Loire (LPPL, UPRES EA 4638) , Chemin de la Censive du Tertre , BP81227, 44312 Nantes Cedex 3 , Nantes , France

2. Equipe d’Epidémiologie en Santé au Travail et Ergonomie (ESTER, Inserm UMR 1085) , UFR Santé Département Médecine, Rue Haute Reculée , 49045 Angers Cedex 01 , Angers France


Abstract Background and aims Based on a transdiagnostic approach, this study assesses the impact of cognitive and emotional processes (difficulties in emotional regulation, impulsiveness, rumination and somatosensory amplification) on the psychological risk factors of chronic low-back pain. Methods The study was carried out with 256 patients with chronic low-back pain. All the variables were assessed through a booklet of 10 validated questionnaires. Multiple regression analysis and moderation analysis were performed. Results Predictors included in multiple regression models explain 3%-42% (adjusted R 2) of the variance in psychological risk factors. Moreover, analyses reveal a significant moderator effect of somatosensory amplification on the link between fear-avoidance beliefs linked to work and pain intensity (F (3;250) = 12.33; p = .00), of somatosensory amplification and brooding on the link between depression and functional repercussions (FR) on everyday life (F (3;252) = 13.36; p = .000; F (1;252) = 12.42; p = .00), of the reflection dimension of rumination on the link between the helplessness dimension of catastrophizing and FRs on sociability (F (3;252) = 37.02; p = .00). There is also a moderation analysis with a significant trend concerning the lack of emotional awareness and the difficulties in controlling impulsive behaviours. Conclusions Our results indicate an important role of some dimensions of difficulties in emotional regulation, somatosensory amplification and rumination in the increase in negative affects and dysfunctional beliefs, and in the links between those psychological risk factors and pain/disability. Implications This study identifies some cognitive and emotional dysregulations substantially involved in work-related chronic pain. This contribute to put in place psychotherapeutic protocols to tackle these deficits and dysregulations in a relevant way.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,Clinical Neurology







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