1. Council Directive of May 1976 on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the community: 76/464/EEC, Official Journal, N. L129, 18 May 1976, p. 0023; Greek special ed., vol. 1, Chapter 15, p. 138.
2. Real Decreto, 11 Abril 1986, N. 849/86 M, Obras Publicas Y Urbanismo, Dominio Publico Hidraulico, Italy, 1986.
3. Reglamentacion Tecnico-Sanitaria Para El Abastecimiento Y Control De Calidada Da Las Aguas Potables De Consumo Publico, B.O. del E N. 154, 29 June 1992.
4. R. Savoir, M. Roger, Trib. Eau, N. 550/2, March–April 1991.
5. Persistent DDT metabolite p,p'–DDE is a potent androgen receptor antagonist