1. Ackman, R.G., 1973. Marine lipids and fatty acids in human nutrition. In: R. Kreuzer (Ed.) Fishery Products. Technical Conference on Fishing Products, Tokyo, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Fishing News (Books) Ltd. Surrey, England.
2. ACNFP (The Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes), 2007. Available from: (accessed Aug 18, 2008).
3. AOAC, 2005. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International, 18th ed. Method 966.06, AOAC International, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
4. AOCS (American Oil Chemist Society) method # Ce 1e-91, “Determination of fatty Acids in edible oils and fats”.
5. AOCS (American Oil Chemist Society) method # Cd 8b-90 for the measurement of “Peroxide Value”.