1. AFVAS, 2014. Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore. Food Regulations, Part 3, Irradiated Food. 〈http://www.ava.gov.sg/docs/default-source/legislation/sale-of-food-act/2-web_sof_food-regulations-15-dec-2014〉 (accessed 03.16).
2. ANZFSC, 2016. Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Standard 1.5.3. Irradiation of Food. ID F2016C00171. 1 March 2016. 〈https://www.legislation.gov.au/Series/F2015L00406〉 (accessed 03.16).
3. ANVISA, 2001. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Resolução RDC No. 21. São Paulo, Brazil, Diário Oficial da União (in Portugese).
4. ASTM, 2003. American Society for Testing and Materials. Standard Guide for the Packaging Materials for Food to be Irradiated. ASTM F1640-03. ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, USA.
5. ASTM, 2014. American Society for Testing and Materials. Standard Guide for the Irradiation of Fresh Agricultural Produce as a Phytosanitary Treatment. ASTM F1355-06(2014). ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, USA.