1. Alberta Environmental Centre, 1986. A Report on the Field Investigation into Livestock Health Complaints Subsequent to the Drummond 6-30 Sour Gas Well Blowout. AECV86-R3. Alberta Environmental Centre, Vegreville, Alta., September 24–28, 1984, 241 pp.
2. Alberta Environmental Centre, 1996. Cattle and the Oil and Gas Industry in Alberta: A Literature Review with Recommendations for Environmental Management. Alberta Cattle Commission, Calgary, Alta., July 1996, 262 pp.
3. Analytical Software, 1996. Statistix® for Windows — User’s Manual. Analytical Software, Tallahassee, FL, 333 pp.
4. Bott, R., 1993. Our Petroleum Challenge into the 21st Century, 5th Edition. Petroleum Communication Foundation, Calgary, Alta., 63 pp.
5. CASA (Clean Air Strategic Alliance), 1998. Management of routine solution gas flaring in Alberta. Report and Recommendations of the Flaring Project Team, Edmonton, Alta., June 1998, 25 pp.