1. Airservices Australia, What is ADS-B? Agenda Item 2: Review of ADS-B Activity, ADS-B/SITF/WP/9, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Study and Implementation Task Force, International Civil Aviation Organization, Montreal, Canada, 2003.
2. Airservices Australia, Performance monitoring update, presented at the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Seminar and Twelfth Meeting of the ADS-B Study and Implementation Task Force, Agenda Item 5, ADS-B SITF/12-WP/4, 2013.
3. B. Ali, W. Ochieng, W. Schuster, A. Majumdar and T. Chiew, A safety assessment framework for the Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) system, Safety Science, vol. 78, pp. 91–100, 2015.
4. R. Butcher, Initial Comparative Assessment Between Enroute Radar Services and Proposal for Development of Enroute ADS-B Services using a 5nm Separation Minima, presented at the Second Meeting of Working Group of the Whole – Separation and Airspace Safety Panel, SASP-WG/WHL/2-WP/30, 2002.
5. Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, ADS-B station and avionics performance monitoring, presented at the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Seminar and Twelfth Meeting of the ADS-B Study and Implementation Task Force, Agenda Item 5, ADS-B SITF/12-WP/17, 2013.