1. QB50 System Requirements and Recommendations, Issue 6, 9 July 2014.
2. Selection of design parameters of aerodynamically stabilized nanosatellite for thermosphere research within the QB50 project/5th European CubeSat Symposium, Book of Abstracts, 3-5 June 2013, Ecole Royale Militaire, VKI, Brussels./I. Belokonov, L. Gluhova, D. Ivanov, A. Kramlikh,M. Ovchinnikov, I. Timbay, E. Ustiugov.
3. SamSat–QB50 nanosatellite. Burning wires mechanism for antenna system and aerodynamic stabilizer/6th European CubeSat Symposium, Book of Abstracts, 14-16 October 2014, Estavayer-le-Lac, Switzerland./E. Ustiugov, A. Nikitin, S. Shafran.
4. Low-orbital transformable nanosatellite: research of the dynamics and possibilities of navigational and communication problems solving for passive aerodynamic stabilization/Proceedings of 2th IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space System, Roma, Italy, 24-26 march 2014, IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-04-10/I.V. Belokonov, A.VKramlikh, I.A. Timbai.
5. Joint use of different types of information in the spacecraft orientation determination algorithms/20th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, ICINS 2013; Saint Petersburg; Russian Federation; 27 May 2013 through 29 May 2013; Code 102708/Grigoreva, M.E., Kramlikh, A.V.