1. Ł.A. Kumor, Z. Meyer, Analysis of changes in soil mechanical parameters of building embankments taking into account the effect of additional compaction, Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika - 2016, p-ISSN: 0867-4299. in Polish.
2. Ł.A. Kumor, Analysis of the influence of compaction of the successive fill layers on quality of the earth embankment, Doctoral Thesis, 2014.
3. Ł.A. Kumor, M.K. Kumor: Changes in mechanical parameters of soil, considering the effect of additional compaction of embankment. Proceedings of 6th Transport Research Arena, April 18-21, 2016, Warsaw, 10741.
4. Polish Standard: PN-88/B-04481. Building soils – Tests of Soil Samples.
5. Polish Standard: PN-B-06050:1999. Geotechnical Engineering. Earthworks. General requirements.