1. Kumor, Ł.A., 2014. Analysis of the influence of compaction of the successive fill layers on quality of the earth embankment. Doctoral Thesis.
2. Kumor, M.K., Farmas J., Kumor Ł.A., 2013. Selected correlative relationships of the compaction parameters determined with VSS and LFG methods. III Problem Conference on Geotechnics. Cooperation of construction with subsoil. Białystok, pp. 271-281. In Polish.
3. Polish Standard: PN-88/B-04481. Grunty budowlane. Badanie próbek gruntów.
4. Polish Standard: PN-B-06050:1999. Geotechnika. Roboty ziemne. Wymagania ogólne.
5. Eurocode 7. P N-EN ISO 14688-1-2: 2006. Part 1. Geotechnical design. Part 2: Ground investigation and testing.