1. Fire Department (Busan City) in KOREA: Report of Fire Happened in HaeWoonDae, 2010.
2. NEMA: Yearbook of Disaster(KOREA), 2010.
3. Lee, P.G., Choi, I.C., Kim. H, S., 2003. A Study on the Application of the Fire Load Energy Density of Building Occupancy for Architectural Fire Safety, Architectural Institute of KOREA (Plan) 19(1), p. 259.
4. Kim D. H., Seo C. H., 2002. A Survey of the Fire Loads in Primary School, Architectural Institute of KOREA (Structure) 18(9), p.149.
5. Harmathy, T.Z., 1972. A New Look at Compartment Fire, Part I, Fire Technology 8(3), p. 196; Part II, Fire Technology 8(4), 326.