1. Thomas, P. H., “Summary of Work in Progress at the Fire Research Station, Boreham Wood, on the Growth and Spread of Fire in Buildings,” JFRO, Fire Research Note No. 701, 1968.
2. Odeen, K. and Bengtson, S., “Results of 32 Fire-Tests on Model Scale,” Fire Engineering Laboratory, The National Swedish Institute for Materials Testing, Stockholm, 1971.
3. Robertson, A. F., and Gross, D., “Fire Load, Fire Severity, and Fire Endurance,” ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 464, Philadelphia, 1970, p. 3.
4. Pettersson, O., “The Possibilities of Predicting the Fire Behaviour of Structures on the Basis of Data from Standard Fire Resistance Tests,” Colloque sur les Principles de la Sécurité au Feu des Structures, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, Paris, June 1971.
5. Proposals for Commentaries on ISO/R 834, Fire Resistance Tests of Elements of Building Construction, Document No. ISO/TC 92, (1971), p. 327.