1. Ueber Necrose der Nieren-papillen bei Hydronephrose;Von Friedreich;Arch. path. Anat.,1877
2. A kidney from a case of phthisis, showing mortification of the apices of the pyramids;Turner;Tr. Path. Soc. London,1884
3. Necrosis with softening in pyramids of the kidneys: recent endopericarditis;Turner;Tr. Path. Soc. London,1885
4. Necrosis of the pyramids of one kidney;Turner;Tr. Path. Soc. London,1887
5. Ueber den anatomischen Befund einer zwanzig Tage alten, inter partum entstandenen, in Heilung begriffenen, completen Uterusruptur;Chiari;Prag. med. Wchnschr.,1899