1. J. Janata, et al., Issues Related to Chromate Replacement, Paper presented at May 1995 Electrochemical Society Meeting, Reno, Nevada, Abstract published in Program Book of 187th National Meeting ECS.
2. R. Twite, V. Balbyshev, G.P. Bierwagen and D. Tallman, ENM Studies of Surface Treatments and Primers on Aircraft Alloys, Presented at Symposium on Environmentally Compliant Coatings the 188th Annual Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Chicago, IL, 1995; to be published in Symposium Proceedings volume.
3. G.P. Bierwagen, C. Jeffcoate, D.J. Mills, J. Li, S. Balbyshev and D.E. Tallman, The Use of Electrochemical Noise Methods to Study Thick, High Impedance Coatings, Invited paper presented at the 1995 International Conference on Organic Coatings Science and Technology, Athens, Greece, 1995.
4. K.D. Conners, W.J. Van Ooij, D.J. Mills and G.P. Bierwagen, Comparison of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and electrochemical noise measurements of the effectiveness of plasma cleaning processes in the corrosion performance of plasma-polymerized films on cold-rolled steel, Corrosion, submitted.
5. B.S. Skerry and C.H. Simpson, Corrosion, 49 (1993) 663.