1. NUREG 1061, 1984. Report of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Piping Review Committee—Evaluation of Potential for Pipe Breaks, Vol 3.
2. Preliminary Safety Evaluation Report for UCN 3&4 Units, 1993. KINS/AR-222.
3. USNRC Standard Review Plan (SRP) 3.6.3, 1987. Leak Before Break Evaluation, (draft).
4. G.M. Wilkowski, D. Guerrieri, D. Jones, 1989. Degraded Piping Program- Phase II, USNRC Report, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/CR-4082.
5. G.M. Wilkowski, R. Schmidt, G. Wilkowski, 1993. International Piping Integrity Research Group—Final Report, BMI Report, Battelle Memorial Institute.