1. Servius, Honoratus Maurus (c 480 AD) Commentary on the bucolics and Georgics of Vergil. [Original text with notes: see Thilo, G. and Hagan, H. (1902)] Grammatica qui feruntur in Vergilii et Georgica commentarii, 3, p. 91. B. G. Teubner., Leipzig.
2. Aristophanes (423 BC) Codes Venetus Marcianus 474 [Original text and translation: see W. J. M. Starkie (1911) The Clouds of Aristophanes, pp. 228–229. MacMillan & Co., London].
3. De Candolle;Duby;Bot. Gall.,1828
4. De Candolle;Wesmael;Prodr. Syst. Nat. Regni Veget.,1868