1. N. Seiberg, The Power of Duality — Exact Results in 4D SUSY Field Theories. hep-th/9506077, RU-95-37, IASSNS-HEP-95/46, to appear in the Proc. of PASCOS 95, the Proc. of the Oskar Klein lectures, and in the Proc. of the Yukawa International Seminar '95.
2. K. Intriligator and N. Seiberg, Lectures on Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Electric-Magnetic Duality. hep-th/9509066, RU-95-48, IASSNS-HEP-95/70. To appear in the Proc. of Trieste '95 spring school, TASI '95, Trieste '95 summer school, and Cargese '95 summer school.
3. Magnetic monopoles as gauge particles?
4. Gauge theories and magnetic charge
5. Topological charges for N = 4 supersymmetric gauge theories and monopoles of spin 1