1. Institute of NeurologyMedical University of ViennaViennaA‐1090Austria
2. Department of PediatricsNakatsu Municipal HospitalNakatsu871‐8511Japan
3. Department of PediatricsSchool of MedicineFukuoka UniversityFukuoka814‐0180Japan
4. Department of PathologyLariboisière Hospital, APHPParisFrance
5. Inserm, U676F‐75019ParisFrance
6. Univ Paris DiderotSorbonne Paris Cité, UMRS 676F‐75019ParisFrance
7. Department of (Neuro)PathologyAcademic CenterUniversity of The NetherlandsThe Netherlands
8. Swammerdam Institute for Life SciencesCenter for NeuroscienceUniversity of AmsterdamThe Netherlands
9. SEIN Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen NederlandHeemstedeThe Netherlands