1. Steadman D, Bakuckas Jr JG. Destructive evaluation and extended fatigue testing of retired transport aircraft: program overview. DOT/FAA/AR-07/22, vol. 1; 2007.
2. Ramakrishnan R, Jury D. Destructive evaluation and extended fatigue testing of retired transport aircraft: damage characterization. DOT/FAA/AR-07/22, vol. 2; 2007.
3. Mosinyi B, Bakuckas Jr JG, Steadman D. Destructive evaluation and extended fatigue testing of retired transport aircraft: extended fatigue testing. DOT/FAA/AR-07/22, vol. 4; 2007.
4. Ramakrishnan R, Steadman D, Carter A. Crack history reconstruction of lap joint fatigue cracks. In: Proc Int Fatigue Congress 2006, Atlanta, GA.
5. Jury D, Ramakrishnan R, Carter A. Rivet installation and faying surface quality studies in a lap joint removed from a retired commercial aircraft. In: Proc Int Fatigue Congress 2006, Atlanta, GA.