1. Citterio M, Mørck OC, Thomsen KE. Specific design Guidelines for Stenloese Syd”. Concerto, Del 21. Class 1, Cost-effective Low-energy Advanced Sustainable Solutions, EU project; 2008.
2. Castellazzi L, Citterio M, Mørck OC, Thomsen KE, Kase K, Charlot-Valdieu C, Balica V. National Guidelines for Residential Buildings presented as Grid of applicability in participating countries. Concerto, Del 22. Class 1, Cost-effective Low-energy Advanced Sustainable So1utions, EU project; 2009.
3. Haulrik N, Mørck OC. Advanced technologies and products PRO TEC: Windows with low frame losses. Concerto, Del 10. Class 1, Cost-effective Low-energy Advanced Sustainable So1utions, EU project; 2008.
4. Paxevanos N, Mørck OC. Ecolabel products and suppliers related to the building industry. Concerto, Del 24. Class 1, Cost-effective Low-energy Advanced Sustainable So1utions, EU project; 2009.
5. Svendsen BR, Mørck OC. Advanced technologies and products GENVEX: Heat pump for single family houses. Concerto, Del 9. Class 1, Cost-effective Low-energy Advanced Sustainable So1utions, EU project; 2008.