1. American Petroleum Institute, 1996. Letter to the California Air Resources Board, March 20. Signed by William F. O’Keefe.
2. ARCO, 1990. Fuel Sales Mandate Violates Statutory Requirement of ‘Most Cost Effective’ Regulation. Document Submitted the California Air Resources Board, September 28. Signed by D.J. Townsend, Manager, Clean Fuels Task Force.
3. Burke, A., Kurani, K., Kenney, E.J., 2000. Study of the Secondary Benefits of the ZEV Mandate. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California at Davis. Report UCD-ITS-RR-00-07.
4. California Air Resources Board, 1990a. Final Regulation Order. Low-Emission Vehicles and Clean Fuels. California Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures for 1988 and Subsequent Model Passenger Cars, Light-Duty Trucks, and Medium-Duty Vehicles.
5. California Air Resources Board, 1990b. Transcripts of Public Hearing, September 27 and 28.