1. R.M. Spriggs, Intersociety Symposium on Machining of Advanced Ceramic Materials and Components, American Ceramic Society (April 1987) 1.
2. S. Jahanmir, L.K. Ives, A.W. Ruff, M.B. Peterson, NIST Special Publication 834, (June 1992).
3. M.B. Thomas, R.D. West, E.W. West Jr., Intersociety Symposium of Advanced Ceramic Materials and Components, 218, (April 1987).
4. P.M. Stephen, S. Tuffs, Proceedings ASME, WAM, PED 17 (1985) 75.
5. Tomoyasu Imai, Intersociety Symposium on Machining of Advanced Ceramic Materials and Components, American Ceramic Society (April 1987) 138.