1. SR power calorimetry and photon measurements at the photodesorption beam line of the VEPP-2M storage ring
2. P. Cruikshank et al., Mechanical Design Aspects of the LHC beam screen, LHC Project Report 128 and PAC'97, Vancouver, 12–16 May, 1997.
3. I. Bojko, J.-L. Dorier, N. Hilleret, Ch. Scheuerlein, Lowering the secondary electron yield of technical copper surfaces by strong oxidation. LHC Vacuum Technical Note 97-19, June 1997.
4. V. Baglin, I.R. Collins, O. Gröbner, Photoelectron yield and photon reflectivity from candidate LHC vacuum chamber materials with implications to the vacuum chamber design, EPAC'98, Stockholm, June 1998.
5. X-Ray Interactions: Photoabsorption, Scattering, Transmission, and Reflection at E = 50-30,000 eV, Z = 1-92