1. R.A. Forrest, The European Activation File: EASY-2003 overview, UKAEA FUS 484, 2002
2. IFMIF International Team, IFMIF Key Element Technology Phase Report, JAERI-Tech 2003-005, 2003
3. R.A. Forrest, J. Kopecky, J.-Ch. Sublet, The European Activation File: EAF-2003 cross section library, UKAEA FUS 486, 2002
4. R.A. Forrest, The European Activation File: EAF-2003 decay data library, UKAEA FUS 487, 2002
5. R.A. Forrest, The European Activation File: EAF-2003 biological, clearance and transport libraries, UKAEA FUS 488, 2002