1. R.A. Forrest, The European activation system: EASY-2001 overview, UKAEA Report, UKAEA FUS 449 (2001).
2. R.A. Forrest, safepaq-II: User Manual, UKAEA Report, UKAEA FUS 454 (2001).
3. R.A. Forrest, fispact-2001: User Manual, UKAEA Report, UKAEA FUS 450 (2001).
4. R.A. Forrest, J. Kopecky, The European activation file: EAF-2001 cross section library, UKAEA Report, UKAEA FUS 451 (2001).
5. R.A. Forrest, The European activation file: EAF-2001 decay data library, UKAEA Report UKAEA FUS 452 (2001).