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2. Microstructural development in irradiated U-7Mo/6061 Al alloy matrix dispersion fuel
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4. R. Jungwirth, H. Breitkreutz, W. Petry, A. Rohrmoser, W. Schmid, H. Palancher, C. Bertrand-Drira, C. Sabathier, X. Iltis, N. Tarisien, C. Jarousse, in: Proceedings of the 31th International Meeting On Reduced Enrichment For Research And Test Reactors (RERTR), Beijing, China, 2009.
5. X. Iltis, F. Charollais, M.C. Anselmet, P. Lemoine, A. Leenaers, S. Van den Berghe, E. Koonen, C. Jarousse, D. Geslin, F. Frery, H. Guyon, in: Proceedings of the 32th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR), Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.