1. Development of very-high-density low-enriched-uranium fuels
2. D.M. Wachs, D.D. Keiser, Jr., M.K. Meyer, D.E. Burkes, C.R. Clark, G. Moore, J.-F. Jue, M.R. Finlay, T. Totev, G. Hofman, T.C. Wiencek, Y.S. Kim, J.L. Snelgrove, in: Proc. of Global 2007: Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Systems Conference, Boise, Idaho, 2007.
3. Post-irradiation examination of uranium–7wt% molybdenum atomized dispersion fuel
4. Y.S. Kim, G.L. Hofman, H.J. Ryu, J. Rest, in: Proc. of the 25th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research Reactors, Boston, MA, 2005.
5. Interdiffusion Behavior in γ-Phase U-Mo Alloy versus Al-6061 Alloy Couples Fabricated by Friction Stir Welding