1. European Commission, Green Paper on the European Workforce for Health COM. (2008) 725 final. Brussels: EC; 10.12.2008.
2. European Commission, Green Paper on Modernising the Professional Qualifications Directive COM. (2011) 367 final. Brussels: EC; 22.6.2011.
3. European Commission, Commission Staff Working Document on an Action Plan for the EU Health Workforce, SWD (2012) 93 final. Strasbourg: EC; 18.4.2012.
4. European Commission Health and Consumer Directorate-General. Action Plan for the EU Health Workforce;ECH&C,2013
5. Joint Action Management Team, Web pages of Joint Action Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting. Available at: http://euhwforce.weebly.com [accessed 01.07.15].