1. Worldwatch Institute, State of the World Report 2008, see .
2. M. Hulme, G. Jenkins, X. Lu, J. Turnpenny, T. Mitchell, R. Jones, J. Lowe, J. Murphy, D. Hassell, P. Boorman, R. McDonald and S. Hill, Climate Change Scenarios for the United Kingdom: The UKCIP02 Scientific Report, Appendix 2, published in conjunction with UKCIP, the Hadley Centre and the Climate Research Unit in the School of Environmental Science at the University of East Anglia, by the Tyndall Centre, Norwich, 2002.
3. For a full introduction to the process of climate change see .
4. For the global weather warning that extreme weather events are on the increase from the Secretary of the World Meteorological Organization on 3 July 2003, see and .
5. The affluent society;Galbraith,1999