1. Appendix. http://tinyurl.com/Appendix-Detailed.
2. The Random Benchmark Instance of the STORMS Project Model: Instance of 549 and 749 Positions. http://www.fichier-rar.fr/2014/10/03/random-instance/.
3. The Realistic Benchmark Instance of the STORMS Project Model: Instance of 1000 Positions. http://oplink.lcc.uma.es/problems/rnd.html.
4. The Synthetic Benchmark Instance of the STORMS Project Model: Instance of 149 Positions. http://neo.lcc.uma.es/software/more/index.php.
5. The Synthetic Benchmark Instance of the STORMS Project Model: Instance of 349 Positions. http://www.httpoplink.lcc.uma.esproblemsrnd.html.