1. D. Mason, M. Taylor, M. Espinassous, C. Zinner, M. Keddam, D. Ridouuh, M. Hamdani, In Salah Gas Joint Venture: Operating Experience for the CO2 Carbon Capture and Storage Project in the Krechba Field, Algeria, GHGT-10, Amsterdam, September 2010.
2. E. Davies, B. MacDonald, G. McColpin, CO2 Sequestration InSAR Monitoring Phase I: Archival Analysis of Well KB-502 In Salah/Krechba Field, Algeria Pinnacle-MDA Report for JIP, March 2009 (and others).
3. D.W. Vasco, A. Rucci, A. Ferreti, F. Novali, R.C. Bissell, P.S. Ringrose, A.S. Mathieson, I.W. Wright, Satellite-based measurements of surface deformation reveal fluid flow associated with the geological storage of carbon dioxide, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L03303,.
4. R.C. Bissell, D.W. Vasco, M. Espinassous, M. Atbi, M. Hamdani, M. Okwelegbe, Full Field Simulation of Gas Production and CO2 Storage Using a Coupled Geo-mechanical and Thermal Fluid Simulator to Model and Predict the Long-term Disposition of CO2, Ninth Annual Conference on Carbon Capture & Sequestration, Pittsburgh, USA, April 2010.
5. J. Rutqvist, D.W. Vasco, E. Majer, H.H. Liu, K. Kappler, L. Pan, Coupled Thermal, Hydraulic and GeoMechanical Numerical Modeling for Interpretation of Ground Surface Deformations and Potential of Injection-Induced Micro-Earthquakes, Ninth Annual Conference on Carbon Capture & Sequestration, Pittsburgh, USA, April 2010.