1. Directive, 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 19 May 2010 on the Energy performance of buildings (recast).
2. Energistyrelsen, Bygningsreglement 2010 . Localized 20152801 on http://bygningsreglementet.dk/br10_03/0/42.
3. EN/ISO 13790:2008. Energy performance of buildings -- Calculation of energy use for space heating and cooling.
4. Helena Bülow-Hübe H, Lundgren M. Fönsterluckor/Skodder/WindowShutters. 3rd Nordic Passive House Conference on Sustainable Building. Aalborg University. 2010.
5. Oughton DR, Hodkinson S (editors). Faber & Kell's Heating and Air Conditioning of Buildings, 9th Edition. Taylor & Francis, 2012.