1. SR-EN – harmonized standards for boiler construction, testing and labelling; performance parameters determination.
2. Mikael Naslund - On the design of residential condensing gas boilers - Doctoral thesis - January 1997 - Department of Heat and Power Engineering - Lund Institute of Technology - ISSN 0282 1990 ISRN LUTMDN/TMVK 1011 SE - Printed in Sweden.
3. Danielle Makaire, Philippe Ngendakumana - Modelling the thermal efficiency of condensing boilers working in steady-state conditions - Thermodynamics Laboratory – Univeristy of LIEGE, Belgium.
4. Stanescu P.D., Antonescu N.N.– Aparate Termice - Curs - Editura MATRIX– Bucuresti 2013-978-973-755-878-7-432 pag.
5. Antonescu N.N.- Instalaţii de ardere şi cazane cu eficienţă energetică ridicată şi poluare redusă – Complemente de curs - Editura MATRIX ROM – Bucuresti 2011-ISBN 978-973-755-699-8-269 pag.