1. Aging Research CenterDepartment of NeurobiologyCare Sciences and SocietyKarolinska Institutet and Stockholm UniversityStockholmSweden
2. Division of Clinical GeriatricsDepartment of NeurobiologyCare Sciences and SocietyKarolinska InstitutetStockholmSweden
3. Neuroepidemiology and Ageing Research UnitSchool of Public HealthImperial College LondonLondonUnited Kingdom
4. Institute of GerontologySchool of Health and WelfareAging Research NetworkJönköping (ARN‐J)Jönköping UniversityJönköpingSweden
5. Institute of Neuroscience and PhysiologyCenter for Health and Ageing AGECAPSahlgrenska AcademyUniversity of GothenburgGothenburgSweden
6. Department of PsychologyCenter for Health and Ageing AGECAPUniversity of GothenburgGothenburgSweden
7. Stress Research InstituteStockholm UniversityStockholmSweden
8. Stockholm Gerontology Research CenterStockholmSweden
9. Institute of Clinical MedicineNeurologyUniversity of Eastern FinlandKuopioFinland
10. NeurocenterNeurologyKuopio University HospitalKuopioFinland
11. Department of Chronic Disease PreventionNational Institute for Health and WelfareHelsinkiFinland