1. R. Cross (ed.-in chief), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, 3 Vols., Microscopy Society of Southern Africa, Ondersteepoort, 2002, Price: US$25 per volume + postage and packing, ISBN: 0-620-29294-6.
2. K.O. Hovnanyan (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Electron Microscopy of the Armenian Electron Microscopy Society, Yerevan, 23–26 October 2001.
3. J. Terlet, P. Self, M. Henderson, M. Dayman (Eds.), ACEM17, Program and Abstracts Book, 17th Australian Conference on Electron Microscopy, Adelaide 4–8 February 2002, Australian Society for Electron Microscopy, 2002, Price: $25, ISBN: 0-9580408-0-X.
4. L. Frank (Ed.), Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation, Skalský Dvůr, 8–12 July 2002, Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, Brno, 2002, ISBN: 80-238-8986-9.
5. Joint Microscopy Meeting, 25–28 June 2002, Lille, Conference Book, issued by the French Society of Microscopies.