1. Proceedings EMC2012, 15th European Microscopy Congress, Manchester, 16–21 September 2012. D.J. Stokes and W.M. Rainforth (Eds.), Volume 1, Physical Sciences: Applications. ISBN: 978-0-9502463-5-2; D.J. Stokes and J.L. Hutchison (Eds.), Volume 2, Physical Sciences: Tools and Techniques. ISBN: 978-0-9502463-6-9; D.J. Stokes, P.J. O'Toole and T. Wilson (Eds.), Volume 3, Life Sciences. ISBN: 978-0-9502463-7-6, Royal Microscopical Society, Oxford, 2012 (Price: £20 per volume, £5 for the DVD). On-line orders from the UK ; orders from outside the UK, e-mail to victoria@rms.org.uk or lucysaxton@rms.org.uk.
2. G. van Tendeloo, D. van Dyck, S.J. Pennycook (Eds), Handbook of Nanoscopy (2 vols.), Wiley, Chichester, 2012. ISBN 978-3-527-31706-6 (Price: £245, €294, US$ 395).
3. R. Haight, F.M. Ross, J.B. Hannon (Eds), Handbook of Instrumentation and Techniques for Semiconductor Nanostructure Characterization (2 vols.), World Scientific, Singapore, 2012 (Price: £298; ISBN: 978-981-4322-80-5 (2-vol set), 978-981-4322-81-2 (vol. 1), 978-981-4322-82-9 (vol. 2)
4. S. Cabrini, S. Kawata (Eds), Nanofabrication Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2012. ISBN 978-1-4200-9052-9 (Price: £82).
5. I. Utke, S. Moshkalev, P. Russell (Eds), Nanofabrication using Focused Ion and Electron Beams, Oxford University Press, NewYork and London, 2012. ISBN 978-0-19-973421-4 (Price: £175).