1. Bookselling Market Report (2002). Key Note Publications. Available: http://www.researchandmarkets.com;
2. Verrue, Robert. (1999). Electronic commerce in Europe: The present situation. Seminar on Electronic Commerce; Kangaroo Group, European Parliament, Brussels. (1999 January 20). Available: http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg13/ecie.html;
3. Dubini & Paola. (1999, May). Un business o una scommessa? Giornale della Libreria (pp. 31–33); The 2000–2005 world outlook for books in Europe. Compiled by ICON Group International; Kreuse, T., & Holtzaman, A. (2003). Web booksellers—Their usefulness to libraries. Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services, 27(1), 121–128.
4. According to the Book Distribution Channels in 2000 from OSI Information Sector. Available: http://www.budobs.org;
5. Electronic commerce and the European Union. Available: http://europa.eu.int/ISPO/ecommerce/;