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2. Hsiao-Lin Chen, Study on the Evaluation Procedure of the Airport Location Selecting, Essay of Graduate School of Department of Transportation & Communication Management Science, National Cheng Kung University, June, 1994.
3. Tzong-Ru Lee, Hui-Fang Cheng, Analysis of the Business Environment of Flower Stores and Making the Channel Strategy, Part 2, 155 Issue of Taiwanese Flower Horticulture, July, 2000, pp. 30–31.
4. Hui-Fang Cheng, The Application and Study of Decision Theory in Supply Chain Management, Essay of Graduate School of Department of Agriculture Marketing, National Chung Hsing University, 2000.
5. Hui-Fang Cheng, The Application and Study of Decision Theory in Supply Chain Management-A Example of Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation, Department of Agricultural Marketing National Chung-Hsing University, 2000.