1. MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. 31 August 1967;ORNL-4191,1967
2. MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Report. 29 February 1968;ORNL-4254,1968
3. The irradiation behavior of graphite;Netlley;TRG Report 1330(c),1966
4. A.M.Perry, Graphite exposure measurements and their relationship to exposures in an MSBR, Appendix of report ORNL-TM-2136, to be issued.
5. R.W.Henson, A.S.Perks and J.H.W.Simmons, Lattice parameter and dimensional changes in graphite irradiated between 300 and 1350°C, AERE R 5489.