1. Homepage of International Federation of Robotics: http://www.ifr.org/; Dec. 2016 .
2. Homepage of KUKA LBR iiwa: https://www.kuka.com/en-gb/products/robotics-systems/industrial-robots/lbr-iiwa; Feb. 2017.
3. R. Bischoff, J. Kurth, G. Schreiber, R. Köppe, A. Albu-Schäffer, A. Beyer, O. Eiberger, S. Haddadin, A. Stemmer, G. Grunwald, and G. Hirzinger, “The KUKA-DLR lightweight robot arm - A new reference platform for robotics research and manufacturing,” in Proc. of the Joint Conference of ISR 2010 and ROBOTIK 2010. Munich, Germany: VDE Verlag, June 2010.
4. Homepage of Universal Robots: https://www.universal-robots.com/; Feb. 2017.
5. Homepage of Fanuc CR35iA: http://www.fanuc.eu/uk/en/robots/robot-filter-page/collaborative-robots/collaborative-cr35ia; Feb. 2017.