1. RadioRoSo: Radioactive Waste Robotic Sorter, Echord++ Experiment, http://radioroso.ciirc.cvut.cz/.
2. Echord++: The European Coordination Hub for Open Robotics Development, http://echord.eu.
3. RoMaNS, Robotic Manipulation for Nuclear Sort and Segregation, EU H2020 project, http://www.h2020romans.eu/.
4. A. Sahbani, S. El-Khoury, P. Bidaud, An overview of 3D object grasp synthesis algorithms, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 60, Issue 3, March 2012, Pages 326-336.
5. CloPeMa: Clothe Perception and Manipulation, EU FP7 project, http://www.clopema.eu.